Park Closure Update

It has been over two months since Shirlington Dog Park has been closed and I would like to provide a quick update.  First I would like to welcome all of those who have subscribed since then to receive the newsletter and I am sure you and everyone else are anxious to be able to enjoy the dog park again soon.  As you know while Arlington has opened some of the county parks and trails, all of the dog parks remain closed.  They offer a unique challenge to keeping everyone safe since social distancing in most cases would be nearly impossible with the large crowds expected.  I as well as others have informed the county board and county manager of the details of these challenges and stressed the importance of keeping all dog park visitors safe.  This includes the volunteers who perform the daily maintenance tasks that keep the Shirlington Dog Park such a wonderful destination for you and your pup.  During the County Board Town Hall meeting on Friday, May 29, the county manager indicated because of these challenges the dog parks would most likely be the last of the facilities to be reopened and could not give any specific timetable but added another update would be announced sometime in mid-June.  Personally I see the only feasible and quickest way to reopen the dog park safely would be to require all the human visitors to wear appropriate face coverings or masks. We will have to wait and see what is decided and until then please keep safe and be well.  Also I am sure your dogs have been wondering why you have not been taking them to the dog park recently so try to let them know it is nothing they did and not their fault.  Good dog.