October 2018 Newsletter

1.   Results From Fall Cleanup and Fundraiser
Thanks to all who made a donation.  We came close to our goal of $4,000 by raising $3,775.  Thank you to Copperwood Tavern Restaurant in Shirlington Village for donating gift cards.  Also thanks to all those who helped in the cleanup including Carlton Willis, James Warmack, Jennifer Agabin, Natalie Carr, Tina Worden, Tommy Worden and Tess, (we didn’t get her last name).  You can also make a donation anytime at our web site: http://www.ShirlingtonDogs.org

2.   Please help keep the cleanup efforts going by making sure everyone picks up after their dogs and to do that you need to keep your dogs in sight at all times.  The future of the dog park depends on park users keeping it clean of poop and trash.

3.   As the days are getting shorter, please note that the Shirlington dog park closes 30 minutes after sunset.  Everyone and their dogs MUST be out of the park by then.  Violators are subject to being cited for trespassing. The closest dog park that has lights and is open later is Ft Bernard, which is up the hill on Walter Reed Drive.  See the link on our site for details and list of other dog parks that are open later.

4. Lost and Found
If you find any item including keys, wallets, etc., please place in the mail slot on the door to the shed near the main entrance to the park.  And if you have lost an item you can send an email to info@shirlingtondogs.org and hopefully you and your lost item will be reunited. 

5. We are in need of clean plastic bags, such as those your newspaper comes in, for use in picking up dog poop.  Please put them in the two green mailboxes at either end of the park.  You can also place them all in an outer bag and hang it on the shed door handle.