February 2022 Newsletter

1.There is an increasing problem with dog poop not being picked up. Our dog park is a beloved and highly used public park, but it could be lost unless everyone helps in keeping it clean. You must keep your dogs in sight at all times and have a poop bag handy to pick up after them. Picking up the dog poop is totally the responsibility of park users who must be vigilant in doing so. Also please kindly remind others to pick up after their dogs as well.

2. Shirlington Dog Park closes at sunset. Everyone and their dogs MUST be out of the park each day by sunset. Violators will be ticketed. 

3. Animal Welfare League of Arlington is having a low-cost vaccine and microchip clinic on Saturday, February 26 by reservation only. All dogs entering the dog park are required to have a current rabies vaccine tag. For info: www.awla.org/events/clinics/

4. We have a new corporate sponsor, Snouts & Stouts who have plans for opening an indoor dog run and bar soon in No Va. For info go to: snoutsnstouts.com.
Make sure to patronize all of our sponsors listed at ShirlingtonDogs.org and on the bulletin board and tell them Shirlington Dog Park sent you.