March 2022 Newsletter

As more and more people are visiting the dog park, especially new dog owners and first time visitors, there is a growing problem of the park rules not being followed. The more serious of these are aggressive dog behavior, not picking up the dog poop, and children not being safe by running or otherwise antagonizing dogs.  As neither the Park Rangers nor our volunteers can be at the park at all times we need your help to inform others of the park rules when needed.

 Dogs that are being aggressive must be removed from the park. If there is a dog bite or attack it needs to be reported to Animal Control, 703-931-9241, as soon as possible. Forms to help gather the information to be reported are located on the side of the bulletin board. If there is an ongoing and/or potentially dangerous situation call the Park Rangers, 703-228-0052, or Arlington County police, 703-558-2222. These numbers are posted on the bulletin board as well.

Picking up the dog poop is totally the responsibility of park users who are required to pay attention to and keep their dogs in sight at all times. It is critical for the health and safety of everyone and to keep the dog park open for all dog poop be picked up and disposed of properly in one of the trash bins.

Parents must be in control of their children at all times and should not allow them to approach someone else's dog without the owner's saying it is okay and safe to do so. 

All of the Dog Park rules are listed on the bulletin board and here are on our site.  Click here.