December / January Newsletter

1. For safety reasons please do not leave any dog toys in the park. There has also been an increase in dog flu cases so watch for symptoms and ask your vet if your dog should get a vaccine. 

2. There have been seen at the dog park individuals working for various businesses bringing in more than 3 dogs at a time and others attaching their flyers in the park. Be it known that it is strictly forbidden for a person to bring in more than three dogs during a visit. It is also forbidden to post or distribute any materials at the dog park except by Shirlington Dogs or the county. If you witness such activity please note the time and day and send to along with a description. A photo would also be helpful if it can be taken safely.

3. As the sun is now setting around 4:45PM, please note that Shirlington Dog Park closes at sunset every day.  Everyone and their dogs MUST be out of the park by then. Trespassers will be fined. See the link on our site for a list of dog parks that are open

4. Make sure to keep your dogs in sight at all times and to always pick up after them. Please follow all the other dog park rules including picking up the poop and to remind others as well.

5. Please consider us in your end of year giving plans.  To make your tax-deductible donation anytime visit:

We want to wish you and your pets a
safe and happy holiday season.