April 2023 Newsletter

1. Please do not allow your dogs to dig holes in the park. Besides the holes being tripping hazards they can become breeding spots for mosquitos.

2. The contractor doing the repairs and upgrades to the gates and fencing installed the wrong size inner gate at the middle entrance to the dog park at S. Oxford St. They will be correcting this soon.

3. You must always pick up after your dog as dog poop left on the ground can spread many diseases besides creating other hazards.

4. Dog Obedience Classes offered by Arlington County start April 19. For information go to: Registration.ArlingtonVA.US and enter the Activity Number: 340731 and click "Search for Activity".

5. Our newest corporate sponsor, Snouts & Stouts, an indoor dog park and bar, is scheduled to open in August.

6. Our Spring Cleanup and Fundraiser will be on May 20 & 21. Mark your calendars. More info will be provided in the next newsletter but please plan on coming out on at least one day to help.