June 2023 Newsletter

1. Thank you to all those who donated and who helped out with the dog park cleanup weekend last month especially Jason Andrade, Tina Worden, Tommy Worden, Carlton Willis, Suzanne Day, Nicki Hugie, and Sarah Blanchard. Please help keep all the efforts going by always picking up the poop and trash. We received $5,200 in donations over that weekend to support the dog park which was $2,300 more than was collected last year. You can still make your tax-deductible donation anytime by visiting ShirlingtonDogs.org and clicking on the "Donate" bone.

2. You and your pups are invited to a free Symphonic Pops Concert, June 25 at 5PM, Lubber Run Amphitheater, 200 N. Columbus St. in Arlington. For more info visit: arlingtonphilharmonic.org

3. Please note that the stream is NOT part of the dog park and can be very dangerous to you and your dogs. The stream at any time can carry a variety of toxic pollutants as well as harmful debris even when the water looks clean.