June 2024 Newsletter

The Dog Park will be closed
Tuesday morning, June 4,
from 9:00 until noon for the removal of large dead tree branches.

1.  Thank you to all those that helped with the park cleanup on May 18 & 19. Special thanks to Mike Greiner, Tina Worden, Tommy Worden, and Edie Wilson for their help. Also thank you to all those who made donations. It is greatly appreciated and all the dogs thank you too. While we fell short of our goal of $6,000 we still raised $3,700 even with the rain on Saturday. Your tax-deductible donations can be made anytime on our site as well: ShirlingtonDogs.org

2.   Please help in keeping the dog park clean all year round by always picking up after your dogs and letting others know if they miss picking up after their dogs. It is crucial to the health and safety of everyone and for the future of the dog park that all poops are picked up immediately and disposed of properly in one of the large trash bins.