November Newsletter

1. As daylight saving time comes to an end, please note that Shirlington Dog Park closes at sunset every day, which will be at 4:45 by the end of the month. Everyone and their dogs MUST be out of the park by then. Trespassers will be fined. See the link on our site for a list of dog parks that are open later:

2. The temporary fencing should be removed by mid-month. As the primary work to reclaim approximately 4,700 square feet at the far corner of the dog park has been completed, there are some other items that are scheduled to be accomplished before it is taken down including securing the old, now exposed border fence and doing some storm water remediation in the area.

3. Everyone is required to keep their dogs in sight at all times and to always pick up after them. If you are looking at your phone you won't be able to notice your dog pooping.

4. A Low-Cost Rabies and Microchip Clinic will be held on Dec 7 at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. All dogs entering the dog park must have current license and rabies vaccination tags. You need to register in advance to participate in the clinic: