December 2024 / January 2025 Newsletter

1. The temporary fencing that was installed as part of the construction to reclaim space for the dog park at the northeast corner should be coming down soon. New perimeter fencing in that area is being installed and better screening from the adjacent storage yards is expected to be put in place as well as new benches. Two dry wells have been constructed along the buildings and wood chips will be spread in the area to help curtail stormwater. Trees are expected to be planted next spring or fall.

2. A reminder that Shirlington Dog Park closes at sunset every day, which will be around 4:30. Everyone and their dogs MUST be out of the park by then. Trespassers will be fined. See the link on our site for a list of dog parks that are open later:

3. Just because the weather might be bad, everyone is still required to always pick up after their dogs and to keep them in sight at all times. Please make it a habit to pick up stray poops as well to prevent the spread of intestinal parasites and other diseases.

4. The next Low-Cost Rabies and Microchip Clinic will be held on Jan 11 at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. All dogs entering the dog park must have current license and rabies vaccination tags. You need to register in advance to participate in the clinic:

5. Please consider us in your end of year giving plans.  To make your tax-deductible donation anytime visit:

We want to wish you and your pets a
safe and happy holiday season.